Trevor Seck
Hi, I’m Trevor Seck. I love how climbing brings people together, how degrees of separation can foster new friendships. Most of my closest friends I have made through climbing bolstered through the mutual suffering up climbs, the long nights by the fire, and the great conversations (and dogs). I love how climbing forces me to slow down, to focus. I am a pretty high-energy human, with so much on my mind at once. “Ping-ponging,” as I like to say. But with climbing, it all slows down. Everything becomes simple. Subtle crystals, adjustments of the hips, all the minutia has to be recognized and embraced. Plus, who doesn’t like being outside in a beautiful setting hanging out?
Stories from the blog
The History of Bouldering Crash Pads
Modern bouldering and crash pads go hand in hand. Stroll into any popular bouldering area, and you’ll see climbers spread out on durable foam pads, chatting, spotting ...read more
How To Use Climbing Chalk
Climbing chalk is a game-changer when it comes to maintaining a confident grip on the wall. Whether you’ve just started rock climbing or you’ve been scaling for a wh...read more